Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Getting in touch with my Seoul

As you may have noticed, my blogging has completely stopped. I stopped partly because I'm lazy and hated editing each post (there were always grammatical & spelling errors, and uploading photos was an exercise in frustration), but I also stopped because I didn't think anyone read it.

Well... sure... a few random people read it and posted on it (thanks random people!) Actually after looking at my blog stats, it turns out that most of my viewers came from the USA, followed by Canada, and then a tie between the UK, Germany, India, and Australia (which is odd, because I don't actually have that many friends in those countries).
Furthermore, it turns out most people found my blog by googling 'Johnny Cade' (HEY!), or some other special key words that lead them to reading my post about Loveland. I do NOT want to know what they were googling.

Of course, after I stopped posting and got back to Canada, it turned out everyone and their 2nd cousins had been reading my blog. So once again I will attempt to maintain a blog.

So, would you all like a mini update?
I'm moving to Seoul!!!
Yes I've taken on a new job in a hagwon and so this blog while be dedicated to those experiences.

So I have decided to update a few things in this blog.

Deep Fried Seoul is the new name. It's meant to be a pun off of the fish 'Sole'. I actually looked at a lot of potential puns (Chicken Soup for the Seoul, Seoul Survivor, Seoulmate, Mind & Seoul, Seoul Sistah, Seoul Train etc), but, tragically, it turned out that they were all taken. So to all the random bloggers, tour agencies, documentary film makers, I hope you're embarrassed by your ridiculously cheesy names!

Still, I'm pretty pleased by this choice and it's a good follow-up name from my previous salad dressing-inspired blog name: 'Memories of Jeju'. (Don't sue me President's Choice!)

The background image is taken from an image I found on google. All credit goes to the photographer who is uploading here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/doegox/
Thank you random photographer, I liked your photos of the lemurs, and now I have officially followed your reproduction rules. The fish were stolen from a random blog I found here: http://sellmic.com/blog/2008/02/15/the-constructor-that-doesnt-construct-blooper-of-the-day/. Uhm, your blog was nice... but I didn't really understand any of it.

So now the adventure is about to start up all over again. I hope you enjoy it! Please write as many comments as you can, I like reading them and it encourages me to be more active!

No, really! You keep commenting about how awesome I am, and I'll keep making your life better with tales of my life!

(Sounds like a deal!)

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